(for anyone that needs a translation: they aks us,"Do you got your tickets,
"tickets to what?" they blow up their muscles and say, "to the gun show")
Also, Ronni begged me to take a picture of her the other day, so I did. Afterwards she asked, will you put that on your blog? I don't know why I was surprised she knows what a blog is, she's always asking me about my email. It is amazing what kids pick up! We had some great weather here a couple of days in a row. We went on a few walks, have had the windows open and generally, the household had a pretty good atmosphere. Yesterday was dry enough for us to get outside and play on the swing set. We had fun while it lasted, reality check- snow is in the forecast for Friday- 6-12 inches.
We have to get tickets to the gun show here too! The bad thing is, their dad taught it to them! It could be worse!