We started off with a little Rock band, and slowly but surely most everyone joined in. We ended up playing rockband until right before the super bowl started. I totally meant to get a picture of our All Saint's band. We had four members of our chuch rocking out together, it was pretty cool. Here is a picture of two of them!
I am really thankful that I have such neat family and friends. It was pretty amazing that we had friends that we know from many different places, as well as all of my siblings, together all night (in our little house) and it was never akward. Everyone just seemed to get along really well and had enough in common that they could find something to talk about. It was the easiest party I have ever thrown, you guys sure do make it easy to be a hostess. Not to mention all the food everyone brought! Tyson sure enjoyed the pumpkin bars, thanks Maria!
Then of course there was the football game. Some people started to leave about half time, not sure if it had anything to do with the half-time entertainment and the beautiful glasses everyone donned. Those of us that did stay to watch the rest of the game weren't dissappointed (except for that whole Pittsburg winning thing) it was a really exciting second half, at least the last five minutes were pretty exciting. All in all it was a great "not" party, and I really have to throw those more often. I didn't really stress about it, except for the day of, and Mandie helped to make it so I really didn't need to stress at all. I hope everyone that came had a good time, although I am not too sure if Leah had much fun, this picture is of her in the midst of Creighton and Bethany playing Rockband around her, she slept through all of the Rockband fun! (if you look real close at the top picture you can see her sleeping, so cute!)
Great pictures! We had so much fun! Thanks for "not" having a party!! ;)