Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday

Okay, so we actually celebrated his birthday on the day, but I will just now finally blog about it over two weeks later, like I said, better late than never!
Grandpa and Grandma Loraditch kicked off the birthday celebration with the bomber jacket, pictured in a previous post. We get a comment everytime we go out now about that jacket, it is something special! Thanks again. Mitch and Kaela then got the ball rolling, literally, when they came over the Sunday before his birthday for an ice cream treat and a gift of their own. If Peyton makes it big in the majors, we'll owe you!
We try to make birthdays special in our house without a whole lot of to-do. This year we were going to through a birthday party for Peyton, but because we had our not party for the super bowl, we decided to lay low. So we invited just the granparents and aunts and uncles over for a birthday celebration. The local ones were able to come.
Daddy came home from work early so we could surprise the birthday boy with a his birthday gifts. We didn't really want a time where he sat down and everyone showered him with gifts, so we cleaned up the playroom and brought in the gifts that we got him, he was so excited.
Next Aunt Kelly came over and took Peyton out for a birthday surprise. It was very special to get to go somewhere all by himself. Not to mention all the things she spoiled him with.

Some of these balloons are still alive and kicking (and being fought over) at our house! Next Nana and Papa and Mandie and Matt and all the cousins came over. I made chicken tetrazini, something easy for a whole bunch of people. We all enjoyed our dinner and then Nana and Papa gave Peyton his gifts. A really cute hawkeye Jersey, some long underwear, a wallett and a truck just like his uncle Mark drives. They were great gifts and we are very appreciative.
Of course we couldn't forget the birthday spankin's. Papa couldn't quite figure out how to count to three, so he asked peyton to help him after quite a few attempts at giving more than three spankin's. So he asked Peyton, how old are you again? P-Three, Papa- Okay, then count to three for me, P- "Three". The whole room erupted in laughter! They totally thought Peyton was the smartest kid ever for starting at three. Papa didn't even spank him anymore. Little do they all know, Peyton just doesn't know how to count! Oh well, we'll have to take that up with his teacher...
After dinner we all enjoyed the highlight of the night... Banana Splits! I for one am not a big banana fan, but they were delicious. Peyton is not a big cake fan so we opted for a special Ice cream treat instead.

Everyone seemed to enjoy their banana split, but none as much as Tim!
Thanks to everyone who made Peyton's birthday special. You all were so nice and attentive to him, he really enjoyed turning three. The gifts were so not necessary, but we totally appreciate them. Happy Birthday Buddy, we love you. And speaking of Buddy, a final picture to close the post, Peyton dancing on his birthday to his favorite, Buddy Holly!


  1. That was a great banana split...I may have been "hamming" it up just a touch.

    Has it only been 2 weeks?!?!

  2. A "cute" Hawkeye jersey? I didn't know there was such a thing!

  3. From Drew -- Happy birthday Peyton!!
